Here are the French Ordinal Numbers.
We’ve given you the spelling along with a rough pronunciation if you want to know how it sounds, or how to say it correctly:
Ordinal Number | French Spelling | Pronunciation |
First | premier/première | prem-yey/ prem-yer |
Second | deuxième | doo-ze-yem |
Third | troisième | twah-ze-yem |
Fourth | quatrième | kat-re-em |
Fifth | cinquième | sank-e-em |
Sixth | sixième | see-ze-em |
Seventh | septième | set-ee-em |
Eight | huitième | wheet-ee-em |
Ninth | neuvième | nurf-ee-em |
Tenth | dixième | dee-ze-em |
Other Ordinal Number Expressions
Ordinal Number | French Spelling | Pronunciation |
About 10 | dizaine | dee-zen |
About a dozen | douzaine | do-zen |
About 15 | quinzaine | Can-zen |
About 20 | vingtaine | Van-ten |
A number of | nombre de | Nom-bre-du |
What Is An Ordinal Number?
An Ordinal number is one that defines the position of something in a series.
Or in other words, an ordinal number indicates the order of a collection of things within a list.
Importance Of Ordinal Numbers In French
Once you know your French numbers it is helpful to know how to place them in the right order when writing or speaking about positions or ranks.
Examples of Ordinal Numbers In French
- I came second in the race = Je suis arrivé deuxième de la course
- There are about twenty pupils in my class = Il y a une vingtaine d’élèves dans ma classe